Real & Raw Parenthood

Real & Raw Parenthood

I am so honoured, humbled and blessed to have Rebecca Adams as a guest on my blog. Thank you lovely Rebecca for saying yes and writing such an awe-inspiring account of your journey into motherhood and being mum to your two beautiful children – Phoebe and Dominic. Rebecca’s story is so moving, inspiring and so poignant as we celebrate Mothering Sunday this weekend.

Enjoy this thought-provoking blog post by the amazing Rebecca Adams.

Anyone who knows me or watches my Facebook live streams knows that I’m Real & Raw 100% all the time, so I’m going to tell you I absolutely LOVE being a Mum, but there are those days that I actually don’t want to do it either. Namely, after my son has attacked me and that I’m tired of his special needs at times – no, I’m not blaming him in any way shape or form, but as a special needs mum, I do get fed up and tired of it at times. 

I’ll take you back in time….. I am Generation X and I was raised by my Mum and Nan, so 2 amazingly wonderful women, who had strict rules in place that couldn’t be broken and disciplined like anything! Then, I joined the military at 16yrs old, so again, lots of discipline and rules. 

Everything I have experienced in my life, including the situations, heartbreaks and much more, has moulded me into the parent I am today. Uplevelling my mindset has got me through everything over the years and I’m known for being a strong person and a strict parent, and I do have boundaries in place for both of my children.

When I was growing up, my Mum was always at work, so my Nan looked after me. I remember Mum not being able to come to sports days or parents’ evenings or even picking me up from school. I also have memories of Mum working on certain days, especially Christmas Day so she’d earn more money, so we wouldn’t have our presents or dinner til after 14.30hrs when she got home from work. Growing up with all of this happening was completely different to some of my friends.

I always knew that I wanted to raise any children, if I had any, different to what I’d experienced and especially when my son was diagnosed at 3yrs old with Autism, (and all that goes with it including anxiety, speech and language and much more), so I’ve had to grieve for the son that would have been, should have been and could have been. Difficult to take at times.

I knew with that diagnosis and moving back down south, that I was unemployable and that I’d have to create work for myself. This actually gave me the outlet to be flexible, design my days, start a business and be there whenever my child needed me. So, when my daughter was born, I knew that when my son was at his specialist school, I could take her out and about with me, whilst I worked.

Over the years my parenting skills have improved, with having one child with special needs and one who is mainstream – I see both worlds and what they’re like. My “voice” came from having my son and having to speak up, stand my ground and fight the system for the simplest of things, not only for him but for others in his class etc. The special needs life that I’m living day in and day out has made me tougher, stronger, and much more powerful and I am grateful for that, as I’ve been an advocate for so many. 

As a Mum through my experiences, I have a different take on things. My children are not my possession. They are individual souls inside their own human vessel, and they must experience life themselves with no pressure or resistance from me. My job as a parent is to make them as independent as they most possibly can be because I’m not going to be around forever. And, as long as they are happy, they can do what they wish. I respect their wishes above everything, and I am blessed to have them in my life. 

The one thing that people don’t know about me, is that I have to stay alive longer than my son is on the planet and that may seem odd to some people and others will understand me. It’s not weird, because the way I see it is that if anything happens to me (as the system is flawed), his sister will take him on, and I don’t really want to give her and her family the enormity of that responsibility.

Our lives are very different as there are certain places we can’t / won’t go to. My son won’t ever live alone, get married, drive a car, and can’t hold a full conversation with you. He doesn’t understand and comprehend stuff so that’s why I have to stay alive longer than him so that I can take care of everything, and he’ll be okay. The massive task he would have to grieve for the loss of me in his life, as I do everything for him, is too big to even comprehend. 

As an empath, I truly respect and understand energy. As a Mum to my own children, I know they pick up on everything and so I’m understanding them as individuals, what they’re about, what their triggers are (even as they are 19yrs and 23yrs as I write this) and much more. I respect their space, their answers, their lives and also everything about them. 

I must say it’s a truly unique experience as I have different relationships with my children, of which I’m so blessed. My children were outstandingly incredible reading out poems at their grandma’s funeral, listening as I told them that their Dad had died and also with us moving homes as we have over the years. 

The one thing I will say is that I am a Mama Bear and protective as anything over my children. They were raised as Army kids and I would walk through fire for them both. They are the apple of my eye and I love them both immensely, with all my heart, mind, body, and soul. 

I’m so blessed and honoured they chose me to be their Mum. 

Rebecca Adams.

International Life, Business & Mindset Mastery Mentor | ™#1 International Bestselling Author | Law of Attraction Practioner | NLP Practioner | Belief Clearing Practitioner | Entrepreneur & Businesswoman | Motivator & Speaker | Book Publisher | Website Building | Creative Director of the Ignite Live Event

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Motherhood And How It Changed Me

Motherhood And How It Changed Me

I feel so happy and blessed to welcome Maria Harris to my blog. Thank you lovely Maria for sharing such a beautiful heartfelt story about your journey into motherhood and becoming mum to beautiful little Ruby.

Enjoy this wonderful blog by lovely MARIA HARRIS.

Let me take you back to my teen years. I was told for 13 years I was unable to have kids, and I had always said I wanted two kids when the time was right, so I just held on to the small chance I could possibly have children at some point.
I lost both my parents by the time I turned 30, 4-years and 4-days apart. As you can imagine losing both parents and being an only child tore me apart, and I had got to the stage where I really didn’t want to be around anymore and just wanted to be back with my parents as they were my whole world.

While during this really low and vulnerable time period in my life, a year after my mum had passed and on my dad’s 5th Anniversary of Death, I found out I was pregnant. To say it was a massive shock is an understatement.

But I truly believe my daughter was given to me by the universe and my parents looking down on me. Finding this information out changed my entire life and entire outlook on everything. As you will see below on my Journey to Motherhood.

So after finding out I was pregnant, I did whatever I could to get myself back and organised and sorted for my little princess. My pregnancy was thankfully very nice and easy going but I had lots of different things to cope with, deal with and prove during the time I was pregnant. But it was the best thing ever to happen to me as it’s made me the even more strong-willed woman I’ve become today.

On my Road during motherhood I’ve had a lot to deal with and sort and process. There is more information on some of this journey in my chapter in “Smashing Through The Stop Sign of Life” which I wont go into during this blog.

This journey has given me a new lease of light and focus and a realisation that life is still worth living, being grateful for all the memories I have of my childhood growing up with both my parents and then being able to take these skills into now raising my own child. My focus now is always on making sure I can provide for my daughter show her you can achieve anything you want to with hard work, strength, determination and motivation.

By having her in my life, I found a new sense of independence and a new goal for my life. She truly has made me become myself again and a lot more as well. I’ll be forever grateful to have her, and she is now my only focus and making sure she grows up safe, with a roof over her head and some true values in life.

When I got my focus back and realised I can achieve anything and seeing how my old surroundings were affecting her and also myself feeling trapped, I made the huge decision to up and relocate away to give her a better lease of life and also allow me to restart my journey in life to becoming the newer version of myself that I had envisioned in becoming.
So in December 2020, I relocated with my daughter set up a new family home and also a brand new business that I had been putting off for 3 years.

Once we were moved in and all sorted, I can honestly say my daughter is a lot happier, getting on a lot in school; our relationship has grown even stronger as now I’m home and not out at work, and she was with my housemate.

It’s also teaching her that you achieve anything in fact even at 4-years old she wants to try and be involved in mummy’s business, and only last weekend she asked me “mummy can I work from home when I’m older” to my surprise as she’s only four, but my reply quite simply put “you can be and do anything you like, and that includes working from home”.
That one sentence from my 4-year-old says it all. I’m showing her that you can do anything, and I can still be a mum and work from home, and I can still take time to go outside and still work as well.

If I can say anything to mums out there, be it a single parent or a 2-parent family, you can be a brilliant mum and run your own business, and your children will remember you working hard and teaching them anything is possible. Don’t sit on the fence; just go for it and become a happier you in finding a great way to balance your life.

Thank you to Imani for asking me to do a blog for her; I truly appreciate it. Keep being the strong woman you are as well.

Many Thanks
Always remember you are stronger than you believe

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